83 Days
Covid-19 Isolation Journal, 0:41, 2020, Oldenzaal the Netherlands

83 Days is based upon people’s experiences during the first lockdown of covid-19. You see two timelapses throughout the video on screen. The first one going from the beginning till the end representing one day. The second timelapse being the flowers opening up exactly 83 times. The exact number of days between the Netherlands going into lockdown and finishing this video. The flower opening and closing represents skipping spring because of staying inside for everybody’s safety. The screen gets closer and closer while the viewer gets pulled into this bored watching state. The feeling I had during the first lockdown in the Netherlands.
During the video you hear people from different ages discuss what they experienced during these 83 days. You can hear different weather sounds; those represent the mood swings that occurred during this waiting time. Frustration, boredom, sadness, but also happiness and hope.

83 Days
©Iris Kouwenberg IKouwenbergart@gmail.com 2024